A host of knowledgeable experts provides commentary for the book’s featured “Cases in Point”:
Asia’s Urban Challenge
R. Sean Randolph
President and CEO
Bay Area Council Economic Institute, San Francisco, California
Entering Asian Markets
James Castle
CastleAsia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Government Support for Growth
Y. F. Juan
Deputy Director, Global Strategy & Business Development
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Infrastructure Development
Vijay G. Kalantri
All India Association of Industries (AIAI), Mumbai, India
Overseas Expansion by Asian Companies
T. T. Chen
Chairman, Manufacturers Business Council
American Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, China
Private Equity Investment
Karl Moskowitz
Founder and President
KSA Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
William P. Fuller
President Emeritus
The Asia Foundation, San Francisco, California
Trade Development Agencies
Raymond Yip
Assistant Executive Director
Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong